This is an archived version of Grim Fandango Central from June 2001 hosted by The Department of Death

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GFC: The Story

Grim Fandango is a tale that takes place in a Mexican setting. The main character, Manny Calavera, is a travel agent (aka. Reaper) working for the Department of Death (DOD) in the Land of the Dead. His job is to take people from the Land of the Living and prepare them for their journey to the underworld by selling them tickets for a more glamourous journey. Manny was assigned this job to pay off a debt to the powers that be. Apparently he commited a sin when he was alive, and he can't continue on his journey until his debt is payed.

He meets a woman named Mercedes Colomar and she deserves a ticket on the number 9 train to the 9th Underworld. (The number 9 is the best way to travel and is recommended for people who led "perfect" lives), and although she hadn't committed any sin while she was living, the computer brought up and error saying she had. So, without anything left up his sleeve, Manny had to send her off on the 4 year journey alone. His boss eventually found out and fired him. Now he is off on his very long journey from El Maro to Rubacava to all the other exciting places in the Land of the Dead to find Mercedes (Meche). It won't be that easy. He has to overcome many hardships, and uncover a web of corruption and deceipt along the way. But he also meets many new people and makes many new friends...along with some old ones.

Original contribution by Suzanne, edited by Zaarin

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