This is an archived version of Grim Fandango Central from June 2001 hosted by The Department of Death

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GFC: Site History

GFC: Site History

GFC Version 1Grim Fandango Central was opened by Rottingbeef on August 11th, 1998. He continued to run the site until August 1st 1999 when he made a post about his lack of interest in the site. His last posts were made during that week. The site remained dorment until on March 10th, 2000, when xGrimx picked up the role as new webmaster for Grim Fandango Central.

GFC Version 2With the addition of a new webmaster GFC became active again, but it still retained an old, tired look. Which is where I came in. I created, and briefly ran a site called The Petrified Forest (which is still up - but just abandonded) and was approached by xGrimx to create a new design for Grim Fandango Central. Thus we had the new layout that you see here on the left.

GFC Version 3On the 23rd of December 2000, The Grim Fandango Network moved to the Mixnmojo community. I was wanting to update this site's design for a while and with a few problems that I had with my computer, I had lost all my original GFC stuff. This, as well as the move and just wanting to improve the site caused a new design to be implemented. This design stuck around for about 6 months, but I was never entirely happy with it. Eventually it just didn't fit the growing needs of the site and it was time for it to become a part of history.

Thus I started work on the forth design for Grim Fandango Central. I wanted GFC4 to be very easy to work with, and have some cool features in it. I also wanted to move away from the dark designs that GFC had been using since its beginning, they were getting a tad boring. Using light colours seemed like an interesting way to go, and I decided to base it on the colours from the menus in the game (Yellow). As I worked with/and added features to the design, it continued to look more and more like Mixnmojo, which was not my intention, but what's a guy to do.

GFC Version 4 At the end of 2001, for about 4 months, Mixnmojo was down almost constantly, and because I could not access this website, I abandoned it (I was also in South America). When I cam back, Mojo was back up and running, but GFC's scripts were crippled, GFN was redesigning, and I needed a project. So I started with a new design - GFC5 (I almost have to use two hands). This design is a bit more obscure than GFC 4, and looks a lot more like GFC2 and 3, going back to the darker side of life, but still uses yellow - I think I'll keep GFC's house colour as yellow for a while, at least until the next design. It's got even more gimmicky features than GFC4 had, and improves some of the existing ones.

So on the 27th of February, 2002, GFC5 started to be secretly uploaded around the existing site, to ensure a clean and swift transition across to
GFC Version 5!!!

- Zaarin

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