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GFC: Mistakes

Welcome to the Mistakes page! Here you can find some errors, simple mistakes, bugs and stuff like that that people have spotted while playing Grim Fandango. Because of these errors, don't go emailing LucasArts all mad and stuff, because it is practically impossible to make a game this big without a mistake or two. Anyway, I put these here so when you're bored, you can go back and check these out. Have fun!

I found a little glitch in Year 4. While you are outside of Bowsley's shop, walk into the front door backwards. Manny will attempt to open the door with the handle by sticking his hand through himself!

-Sent in by Matthew

When you walk out of an elevator and walk back through just before the doors fully close (there must be a small crack between the doors) step back and he walks straight through it.

-Sent in by Lee Rollason

In the Blue Casket in year 2, Manny enters Olivia's kitchen and finds the waiter making drinks. Soon, the waiter leaves, and after poking around a bit, so does Manny. After leaving, before heading back into the room full of Beats, if you talk to Olivia to ask her to read a poem, the camera switches to the mic to show her reading a poem. But Manny will also enter to watch the waiter serving coffin shooters. After Olivia finishes, she leaves to go stand in the doorway and the camera follows. But Manny's still in the room full of Beats. You can't see him or tell where he's going when you try to move him.

-Sent in by

At the end of Year One, Manny meets up with the client from the first cut scene, who says that he is waiting for his wife, who died a few weeks after him.

When the eye-patched sailor (Velasco) tells Manny that the guy's wife sailed off 2 weeks ago, Manny goes back and tells the guy that his wife sailed off SIX weeks ago. I might be wrong on this, but I'm pretty sure this is what he said.

The time frames seem all wrong. Manny sends his client off into the wilderness with a walking stick. A couple of hours later, Manny heads off to Rubacava himself. In the petrified forest, Manny obtains a doctored vehicle, the bonewagon. He gets to Rubacava and meets his client there. So they're telling me that a man with no transportation whatsoever that had about two hours head start managed to beat Manny, who had a very fast vehicle, to Rubacava AND get a job? I don't even think so. Also, I assume that Manny gets his clients and sends them right on their way less than an hour later. We can assume this because Manny gets Meche, the short client and the cutscene client all on the Day of the Dead (known because the festivities never stop outside), and sends them on their way on the same day. I just can't believe that the first client's wife died AFTER him (which would mean both he and Manny got a huge headstart to Rubacava on her) and stil managed to beat them there by two weeks, find another man along the way and hire a ship. The only posible explanation I can find is that she qualified for one of the higher transportation packages, but she doesn't seem moral enough. Was this deliberate or a mistake?

- Sent in by Lord Kinbote

In the Year Four casino, the unicycling soldier's hat and coat just seem to be floating in midair when he climbs into the slot machine. Weird. Also, how did he tie on that bandana with only one arm?

In Year One, the huge maintenance demon that was fixing the messenger machine seems to disappear into thin air when he goes towards the packaging room when you first meet him in the hallway. Since it's a very small room with only one exit, I don't see how this is possible.

- Sent in by Lord Kinbote

Is Pugsy the angelito really able to support Manny's weight at the end of Year 3? We assume that dead people have no supernatural strength due to Manny's inability to lift the axe in Meche's room in Year 3.

- Sent in by Lord Kinbote

Speaking of Meche's room, there are a couple of peculiarities. Manny can manage to travel right through the suitcases and right through the wall as if it wasn't real. It seems to be a technical glitch. Also, if Manny turns the water on, then hits the fire extinguisher on the ceiling, Meche groans or something. Turn the water off so it flows out of the room, and then turn it back on, and Meche says "Not again!" If you leave the water ON, but hit the spray system with your scythe again, nothing different happens, but Meche says "Not again!" like something did happen.

- Sent in by Lord Kinbote

When you are in the room with the suitcases full of counterfeit Number 9 Tickets, look into the room...There isn't a suit of armor, but when you go into the other room, there is a suit of armor.

During the intro, the secretary tells Manny that the boss wants to talk to him when he returns from his trip. If he's supposed to be out of town, why does the secretary think he's in his office?

- Sent in by Mike

When Manny is walking or standing in the streets in the demo you see him that he is very "ligth" when he goes in the "sun" and when he goes in the shade you still see that he is very "ligth" too.

-Sent in by Hector

For the demo, when Manny first starts climbing up the rope of ties, you see a cutaway scene where he looks taller, they correcteed this in the full game though.

- Sent in by Njdocmike

Start climbing the ladder on the leading up to the roof where the pigeons are but don't go far up. Instead start moving down and as if you were a ghost go through the wall of the building. You keep going down but eventually you stop climbing and you can't move anywhere. At which point you need to exit the game.

- Sent in by Salvador

You can actually get the pigeon eggs without talking to Sal. The reason this is an error is why would Manny go get pigeon eggs for no aparrant reason?

- Sent by Salvador

When on the ledge (First ledge scene, not second) and you look down the side of the building, you can see the rope you climb up, it's only a partial way down,it's supposed to be at the very bottom of the building.

When in the alleyway, look towards the way you're supposed to climb up the building, it's a dead end, and there isn't any rope hanging down. But when you get closer up, theres a rope and it seems as if there is more alleyway.

When you grab the eggs, don't put them in your suit. Then leave the roof, you'll automatically be at the first ledge you were on. Then try to climb down the rope to the alley way. Manny will say that the eggs will be smashed if he climbs down. But, he already walked down two ladders, and climbed over a rope connected from the first ladder to the first ledge with the eggs in his hand!

In the room in which you start, when you walk to speak to the woman and the camera view changes, in the background the elevator doors are closed but when the other camera view is shown (the view that you start with) the doors are not closed because there is no shadow of the doors on the floor. And there is proof that a shadow appears there when the door is closed because when Manny walks into the elevator to go out onto the street , the doors close and a shadow of the doors appear.

- Sent in by Mr Arrrgh

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