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GFC: Easter Eggs & In-Jokes

Welcome to the Easter Eggs & In-Jokes page. Here you can find some In-Jokes and Easter Eggs that can be found throughout Grim Fandango, if you've beaten the game a trillion times and you're getting bored of it, you can look for some of these easter eggs and/or in-jokes and have some fun!

First of all Membrillo means quince.
Second, Lambada (as the ship is called) is a traditional dance from brazil and other latin america countries.
Third, Limones means Lemons
Fourth, Puerto Zapato means "Shoe Port" or so.

- Jack

'Calavera' actually means skull, and contrary to what we had written earlier, it has nothing to do with the word cadaver which in spanish is cadaver too (as corpse).

- Laura

In Monkey Island there was the SCUMM Bar, named after the scripting engine used for the LucasArts adventure games. In EMI the SCUMMBAR changes name to the LUA bar. In case any of you are wondering why, LUA is the name of the engine in Grim Fandango - like SCUMM.
And you thought it was just a poor name.

- Zaarin

Ofrenda which is Olivia's last name in Grim Fandango is an altar that is used for the day of the dead
- Sent in by Struppo

Copal is a kind of oil that is burned as incense during the Day of the Dead.

Marigolds are flowers that are usually present at the time and are used as garlands to decorate the altars of the dead.

'Calabaza' as in Sister Calabaza means 'pumpkin' in Spanish.

Also I read that the Aztecs were usually buried with a red dog to be used as a companion while travelling the Land of the Dead. Do you suppose Glottis could've been a red dog?

(A glottis as you all know is the bit of cartilage between your gullet and windpipe to prevent choking)

-Sent in by Eagle Eye

1) Toto Santos is taken from 'Todos Santos' which is Spanish for 'All Saints', a holiday roughly parallel to the North American Halloween.

2) 'Cabron' - This is what Manny calls Domino at the Edge of The world. Literally, it means 'billy-goat'. But in Mexico, it is a Very strong expletive. An insult of the highest magnitude. (DO NOT USE THIS AT HOME:)

3) Naranja is Spanish for 'Orange' - There must be a joke here somewhere. Hahahahaha. Ok, maybe not.

-Sent in by Seraph

At the festival above the bread tent, the skeleton hanging there is Jack Skellington from A Nightmare Before Christmas.
The stump joke from Monkey Island 3 can be found in the underground catacombs in Nuevo Marrow. When you try going through the tunnel with the albino crocodile thingy, Manny says, "Wow! It's a tunnel that opens onto a system of catacombs!" that's the same thing that Guybrush Threepwood from Monkey Island 3 says when you go through the crack in the wall at the Goodsoup Crypt and end up back in Monkey Island 1.

At the end of Year 3, when you're sailing away from the island at the Edge of the World, Manny says a quote from Hal Barwood in Monkey Island 2: "Works like crazy! Full speed ahead!"

In the poster at the Tattoo Parlor in Rubacava, there's a poster with a face of Max, from Sam & Max Hit the Road. There's also a Corley Motor's (from Full Throttle) logo on the same poster as the Max one.

This easter egg/in-joke was found in the pod race audience in Star Wars: Episode 1 The Phantom Menace

If you look at the bottom right screen of the pod race audience (after the race) you will see a crowd cheering, and Manny Calavera!

Manny at the Pod Race on Tatooine

The following easter egg was copied and pasted from a post on the message board.

8) In the trailer of Grim there was a really short scene where most of the people from Rubacava were in the festival at El Marrow. Is this in the game because I can't find it at all A) It's a trailer not everything you see is shown. * But if you look carefully at the background people behind the tents as you walk to the festival you can see some people from Rubacava as well as the 4 member mariachi band! Also while you are talking to the Clown in the aisle behind the tent you can see Bogen talking to a couple of Beatniks!(Here's an Easter Egg for you, Rottingbeef)

Thank you to James Stark for posting the question and Eagle Eye for answering!

Go to Eva's desk next to the hole punch. After punching the playing card stand aside and wave the card at Eva (hit enter). She will say "Maybe card tricks some other time when I'm not so busy."

Now turn about a quarter turn without moving left or right. Hit enter. Manny will say "I don't feel like pitching cards right now."

Here's the Easter egg. While Manny is saying "I don't feel like pitching cards right now" Turn and face Eva. Before he is through talking hit Enter again.

Eva will say her line, but it will come out of Manny's mouth!!! Try it!

-Sent in by Ce399

The music that plays when you look at Sanspoof's (the dead cat's) memorial has the same melody as the music that played at Malcolm Corley's funeral in Full Throttle.

-Sent in by Professor Yoda

In Toto Santo's tatoo parlor there is a poster of some kind with illustrations of tatoos on it - the tatoos include Max and the Corley Motors logo. Also in year four, after you knock down the neon sign you can see another neon sign in the background: again, it's the Corley Motors logo. I have screenshots of these in the Grim Fandango section of my web page.

I believe the exact address for the GF screenshot page is something like

or something like that (you can just use the first address and link to the screenshots page if it doesn't work). Feel free to use the screenshots on your page (so long as you say something like "Pictures courtesy of Shrine of the Golden Guy" and provide a link or something like that).

- Sent in by Professor Yoda

In Domino's Office you can drink his beer, you can punch his boxing sack thingy, and you can try to guess his password on the computer, Manny will say a bunch of funny things like "Goldenboy"

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