This is an archived version of Grim Fandango Central from June 2001 hosted by The Department of Death

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GFC: Quotes

Bowlsly:"Everybody lies, even the bell! Ding, ding! Can I help you? Can I help you? CAN I HELP YOU? CAN I FRIGGIN' HELP YOU DING, DING, DING?!"

- Sent in by Charles Frederick

Manny: Hows's the flow tonight?
Lupe: We're dead tonight, Manny. Everybody's back home for the Day of the Dead, I guess......except for the casino. The casino's hopping. Why is it that all the people who don't go home are the same people who just love the gamble?
Manny: Well, I guess when you've got nothing to go home to, you've got nothing to lose.
Lupe: Hey, we should put that over the door!

- Sent in by Jordan Hyman

When Manny takes out the Work Order about the poisoning, and shows it to eva, she sais: Ah Manny, try the sentences one word at a time, you'll get it.

- Sent in by
Ginny Weasley

Manny: Is it hard to kiss up to the boss when you have no lips?
Domino: I have all the lip i need Manny, I get it from you!

- Sent in by Baron Von Woofhausen

Salvador: There's nothing more horrible then the bite of the sprouter,
... it's deadly stinger spreads a green disease through every calcificed pore on your body,
... leaving you veined with roots and flocked with grass,
... steadily growing thicker and thicker until you crash and bloom out,
... in a horrifying bouquet of pain and fragrant suffering,
... screaming until your mouth fills with petals and your
nostrils shoot out thorny stems, ... and the bulbs sprout in your eyes,
... leaving you nothing but a patch of wild flowers on the ground swarming with butterflies.

- Sent in by Josip

Bruno: Ah Phoowee. I'm getting outta here this place is for suckers
Membrillo: I'm digging for a treasure that part of me does not wish to find...

- Sent in by Wils

Bowsley: "I've got half a mind to...., I've got half a mind"
Manny: Listen Bowsley, i'm not here to hurt you.
Bowsley: Listen Bowsley, i'm here to hurt you.
Manny: It's not Hector, it's Manny Calavera.
Bowsley: It's not Hector, it's Manny Calavera come to sprout ya.
Manny: Look, I need a gun to put Hector out of business.
Bowsley: Look, I need a gun, I need Hector, we're in business.

Sent in by

Croupier: What happened to Monsieur Bogan's lucky streak
Manny: It ran out
Croupier: Well so did he
Manny when he comes back with the pigeon eggs: Agent Calavera here and two guests
Mechanic demons: Who did this
Manny: It was the little guys, I saw them
Bruno: Ah Phoowee. I'm getting outta here this place is for suckers
Bruno: Nice bath robe
Manny: Hey Thunderboy!
Thunderboy actor1: who said that
Thunderboy actor2: you're famous now people say your name all the time. you get used to it
Manny: Good to know his body would be serving a cause like this
Manny when he gives the agents arm to the carrier pigeon: Would you like a bone - Ow, not one of mine
Manny: Go to sleep sewer thing
Albinozod: Roaarrr
Manny: Close your big cave blind eyes
Manny: There's a machine here which seems unbeatable
One armed agent: What the one with the dork plastered in front of it
Manny: What's up with the suit
One armed agent: I don't know, what up with the make up?
Manny: You know you guys remind me of my friend Salvador Limones
Beat in blue casket: We hear ya Daddy
Domino: I got a nun what did you get?
Manny: I got two nuns actually
Domino: That reminds me of a joke

All these sent in by

Raoul: 'When I come back and find you here. You had better be gone!'

-Sent in by Abby Mantiri

Manny: Comin' home soon?
Glottis: What did you say little kitty? Don't talk kittiecat! Just run baby!!!

-Sent in by Blonde

Manny: Hey, you lived without your heart once, so you'll be fine without oxegen for awhile.

-Sent in by DottDude

Manny: That Dockmaster Velasco is one salty bag of rope. Velasco : We-uh-uh-uh, you should see his wife!

-Sent in by Wout Huybrechts

Membrillo : And the moral of every story is the same : we may have years, we may have hours, but sooner or later, we push up flowers.

-Sent in by Wout Huybrechts

Bowlsley: Put your hands over your head, put your head in your hands, put your head in your lap!

-Sent in by Travman

Manny: I loooove what Bowlsley's done with the joint! It's amazing how a little touch of human remains can brighten up a place.

-Sent in by Travman

Charlie: Come, my lovely, I have another infallible system I'd like to demonstrate. Rrrrr
-Sent in by Travman

Manny: Out of my way! I'm in SHOW BUSINESS!

Tube-Switcher Guy: What show? Yukon Follies? Ha ha ha!

-Sent in by Travman

Manny: Any messages for me?

Eva: No, calls stopped coming for you the day you left. They're STILL sending you that lingerie catalog, though.

-Sent in by Travman

Manny: So, what IS that stuff they pack canned hams in, anyway?

Glottis: Gloooosh! Bllllllllaaaaaaachhhhhh! Haaaaa-gggggggg! Blooooooooooch!

Manny: Good show my friend.

Glottis: You wouldn't happen to have a breath mint on you, I suppose?

-Sent in by Travman

Toto: Reach for that again, and you'll pull back a stump!

-Sent in by Travman

Manny: I'll bet Hector pauses here every day, and thinks to himself... "Boy I wish I could see past my gut and enjoy my expensive monogrammed floor!"

-Sent in by Travman

When you try to take the hole punch on Eva's desk with you, Manny will ask, "Can I take your hole punch?" Eva will reply, "Ha! i doubt you can take my HALF punch"

-Sent in by Remco Kapinga

Glottis: Well, LE keg is LE empty, so toot sweet, Buster !

-Sent in by Frans T.G.

Manny: Ignore me

-Sent in by Frans T.G.

Eva: Fight the good fight, babe

-Sent in by Frans T.G.

Lupe: Woooo! Yeah!

-Sent in by Frans T.G.

Raoul: Oh! Zut!

-Sent in by Frans T.G.

Manny: Glottis! Are you loco? That was a company car.

Glottis: Well, it's even better company NOW!

-Sent in by Mr.Fossey

Chowchilla Charlie: I'm all the goon I need!

-Sent in by Seraph

Carla: Aw rats, Manny, I almost got to strip-search ya!

-Sent in by Seraph

Manny: I'm not gonna drink dirty hookah water

-Sent in by Seraph


Manny: Yes.

-Sent in by Ted

Manny: This mean anything to you?
Toto: You mean, besides the song, and the poem, and the bar, and the statue by that name?

-Sent in by Ted

Manny: Truth be told, I'd rather be setting this milkshake's soul free. Mmmmm... smells like the perfect client...Rich, and sweet!

- Sent in by Ted

Manny: YEAH! Beat it, you little ledge-peckers!

- Sent in by Ted

Manny: This sign says, "I'm at the junkyard. Woo Woo Woo Woo Woo!"

- Sent in by Ted

Manny: Some festival, huh?
Ballon Guy: Yeah, my carpal tunnel syndrome's really acting up...
Manny: But you don't have any tendons!
Ballon Guy: Well you don't have a tongue, but that doesn't seem to shut you up, now does it?

-Sent in by Ted

Meche: I have to confess, I never killed anybody.

Glottis: Puss, puss, puss, puss, puss, puss!!!

Glottis: That's the sugar Poppa likes!

Manny: Run you pigeons, its Robert frost

-Sent in by Agent Calavera

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