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GFC: Game Information

Developer: LucasArts

Designer: Tim Schafer

Released: October 28-30, 1998

Distribution: 2x CD-ROMS (Windows)

System Requirements

Computer: Windows 95/98 DirectX-compatible computer required.
CPU: Pentium 133 or faster required.
Memory (RAM): 32MB or higher required.
CD-ROM Drive: Quad speed or higher required.
Graphics Card: 2MB PCI Graphics card required.
NOTE: You can achieve much better images if you have a nVidia GeForce, and use FSAA (Full Screen Anti-Aliasing - check the nVidia site for more details)
Sound Card: 100% Windows 95/98-compatible 16-bit sound card required.
Input Device: 100% Windows 95/98-compatible keyboard required. Optional support for joysticks and gamepads.
DirectX: Microsoft DirectX 6.0 is available on the Grim Fandango CD and must be installed to play the game.
Note: Your system may require the latest Windows 95/98 drivers for your particular hardware.
3D Acceleration: Optional 3D graphics support requires a 4MB PCI or AGP 3D accelerator.

Running Grim Fandango on Newer OS's
The following section discusses running Grim Fandango on the latest Operating Systems. If you have had troubles and/or workarounds running Grim Fandango on any of the following OS's, please let us know.

Grim Fandango will not run on the original release of Windows 2000. However, the Windows 2000 compatability update by Microsoft allows you to play Grim Fandango, as well as many other titles (and the number continues to grow - this is a continuosly updated patch) including other LucasArts games, on Windows 2000.

Download the patch here

Grim Fandango will run fine on Windows Millenium. I haven't heard of a case where it didn't.

Grim Fandango should be fine on Windows XP on all machines.

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